2011, October: Stakeholders meeting, National Steering Committee Meeting and Pesticide Advisory Board meeting

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The PRRP-Ethiopia management meetings took place at Addis Ababa and the overall goal of the above mentioned workshop and  meetings were to aware all stakeholders on the goal and objectives of PRRP-Ethiopia and other pesticide management initiatives , share PRRP achievements and future plans, exchange pesticide management experiences ,discuss questions and concerns for better implementation various pesticide risk reduction activities.

Stakeholders meeting
Over 70 participants attended the meeting involving members various government stakeholders, pesticide importers, and distributors, commercial farms including flower farms, NGOs, international agencies and donor institutions. Seven papers on pesticide management have been presented by members of PRRP and Ministry of Agriculture and  thoroughly discussed. Heated discussions were made with regard to the Ethiopian pesticide registration procedure and various issues were raised. Accordingly some recommendations were forwarded as possible solutions.

stakeholders meeting


The presentations given during the Stakeholders meetings are:


The posters of the poster presentation are:


National Project Steering Committee  (NPSC) meeting
This was the second meeting of the National Project Steering Committee. The project achievement and work pan for the coming period have been presented to the NPSC members. The NPSC members made a number recommendations among them high emphasis were given on the following; the importance of urgent establishment of pesticide quality control laboratory, accelerating the establishment of bio-control evaluation & regulation and the importance of national policy makers in the selection of protection goals and criteria for registration of pesticides.

NPSC meeting


Pesticide Advisory Board meeting
This meeting was the first meeting of the Pesticide Advisory Board. According to the Pesticide Registration and  Control Proclamation  No 674/2010  the Board will meet at least 4 times a year to discuss various issues on pesticide management. During this first meeting the function of the Board was explained and information was also given about the current pesticide registration and control system in the country and the challenges that Ethiopia is facing with regard to pesticide management. The overview of Pesticide Risk Reduction Programme – Ethiopia was also highlighted.

PAB meeting